Monday, 29 December 2008

1st muharram

its 1st muharram..salam maal hijrah everybody,,,
1430 hijrah- wish u to have a better year...

year in..year out...lots of BIG things happened which sweeten my life ..
and SMALL creamy thyng which complete the my life can be sweet and creamy just like the CHOCoLATE CAKE...
and no matter how hard it is for me to mix the ingredients all together..i believe in the wud STILL have the taste of choc

while we are infatuated with keeping on walking trough the path...choosing the right way..
ever stop and take a break to look back?...
I DID..and wut left is just the memory...and the memory is haunting.i know...i know it pretty does it feel missing the past........
but HELLO PEOPLE... I don't look back unless to be thankful..bear that,..thankful for all wut ALLAh gives me...either thyngs that
i wish for or thyngs that i dont...coz i believe ALLAH knows the best for me...for you..and for everyone in everythimng...

sometymes I don't understand from day to day how so many things can fall apart and then get put back together.....bigger and better....
and i dont think I have to understand that...its just the matter of how u pick the good part of everythyng...

and it took me 20 years to be ME today...
SYUKUR ala ALLAH...for everything..HE the one who destine everything..
remember that...don't ever forget it..and don't let me forget it either..

hee...words from me to start a better life to be a better muslim ..a better daughter..a better sister...a better friend..a better society member..a better SOMEONE fi dunia n akhrat..

p/s:doakan ketabahan n kesejahteraan palestine..they need our prayer...


Tuesday, 23 December 2008


nothing much happened...but i m getting better..bkn aku saket ke ape..tapi cam dah ade semangat balek ..sket la...sket pun ok dr hari tue...u dont have any idea how hard it s to me to pick back my scattered pieces..wawawa..tapi takpe i m used to it...hahhaha..poyo sajek...konon la..pdhal melara habes aku 2 minggun nie...everything da back to normal routine life EXCEPT
my laundryyyyyyyyyy..!!!maseh bertimbun2..napela takde machine yang kalau kite masukkan baju kotor..godek2..keluar terus baju yang suci bersih wangi harum semerbak berlipat beriron..wah2..bahagienye hidup wanita2 isteri2 sekalian...tidak ketinggalan BIBIK2 sekalian..banyak sket mase free untuk dieorng tgk cite anakku bkn anakku ...hak2..

everybody...sile la tahu saya sgt rindu malaysia occayy!!

p/s:arytue janji nak upload pic kat dubai..nnty2 la yerk..ampum mbaakk


Wednesday, 17 December 2008

hear me..

hear me..i'm crying out...
find me...i'm lost inside the crowd..
grasp me...i'm falling down...
hold me...i'm drowning..i'm sinking...


Tuesday, 16 December 2008

x larat..!!


dgn wut m i feeling ryte now...down tahap cipan...!! Allah help me please..

sbb rindu ma family damn much..dammmit..damiit!!

sbb banyak gile aku blom cover study...n its killling me ....

sbb aku tgk semua orng sekeliling aku study from front cover smpi blkng each n every book n hafal word by word...again..its killing me...

sbb i have to do thing yang aku tak nak bt..n i treat it with a lotttsss of forbearance

sbb aku rasa cam nak nanges gile babeng but i have to hold ma tears...coz its so not mme....n kalau aku nanges susah nak berenti

sbb bilik aku cam tongkang pecah n aku serabut mata nak tgk...tapi malas nak kemas*i hate to use the word malas actually

kdng2 rase nak ddk at one point yang..aku xpyh bt benda to satisfy people...or even to satisfy myself...tapi TAK BOLEH..first i can't say NO to myself and i can't say NO to people.hee..

wishing u to have a better day than yesterday,

Sunday, 14 December 2008

i m back in mansoura

penat blom hilang..baru smpi masoura semalam..mane aku pegi???...hee..DUBAI!!
ye..sangat seronok...wut a sweet2 memories..dr 1st day smpi 7th day setiap hari pun penuh ngan activity ...n shopping jd ketua...hahahha...

aku pegi 5 dec ary tue...naek flite from alex(tempat ira)...ingt nak masukkan entry jugak ary tue before pegi tapi hp buat takde la entry nye *alasan occay!..
smpi sane 4 sgt kat sne sgt comfy n tempat die bersih gile2...even living cost die tinggi tapi ok la sbb gaji dieonrg pun cam tahap perdana menteri malaysia.hahaha..nnty aku msukkn pic aqku kt sane bile2 free nnty

mase nak kena balek egypt tue rase cm sedeyh gile...smpi jerk airport tue dah kena gaduh ngan arab..ade ke die charge taxi 55 pound yang patutnye 5 pound saje...WUT THE....????...bongok gile...kiteorng pon punggah keluar balek semua bagss yang berat nak mampooosss ..dah la aku sgt la tak tahannnyeee nak urinate dgn tahap ngantok babeng..mulut tak berhenti bebel

skang nie rase cm sedeyh gile..sgt rindu familyy...umi ayah fatin n wan..tahap gile2 punye..astu cam sedeyh gile rase kena back to normal lyfe yang sgt2 la tough nye..i need to gain ma spirit back...normal la kot..sbb aku baru balek dr tempat yang sgt comfy n best...n this suckssss occaaayy!!..sgttt tak larat..naseb baek kena study..kalau dok umah saje mati laaa asek fikir sajeee...

hee...ok arh..need to go..
banyak benda nak kena cover...cuty langsung tak pegang buku,.,.

lots of love,

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

a good day..

ary nie bangun kol 7.30..n my lecture starts at 8 am..haha...xpe2 aku da biase da bangun rush2 cmtu..biase la tue...tross mandiii...water heater on xsmpi setengah mandi dgn air sejook occay!!..n believe it or not..believe it aku tak iron baju g kuliah...hahaha...sekali agy xpe2...mcm tak biase bt..

lecture finished at 4..balek umah..n dok kat meja study..godek2 lap top jap.sign in ym n bace offline msg....n then baca offline msg from ma aunty...

"C.jie rindu jugk kt k.long (its me...of course). Skrng klau keluar dgn umi(my mom la mksudnye tue) dok critelah pasal anak2. Semalam keluar dgn umi, dia dok crite pasal kemas bilik k.long. camana k.long simpan barang2 yg ade sentimental value sejak tadika. teringat dulu2 dok ngantar k.long gi nursery, tadika....kejap je masa berlalu. skang da musim hujn, mendung je..dah 2 minggu asek ujan takde matahari...lagilah suke layan2 perasaan bila drive kereta dalam hujan. he he...Banyak kan memori kita? anak2 umi(again..mknanya ma mom la), cikjie, cik la , cik jun n cik sue (nie semua ma aunties) paling byk spent mase bersama
oklah k.long, selamat belajar, jgn tension2. k.long ni, the coolest person I ever knew. InsyaAllah you can survive in what ever situatition..ckp org putih skit, biarle berterabur pun. Bye yang....

ok..that was lyke damn touching ok..but still..i tried hardlyyy not to cry la kan...kang payah pulak nak stop..

yea ryte..i miss those tyme very2 much..tapi bukan nak back to the s just..i miss it.of course we have to move on kan..takkan nak stay at the same ponit sampai ble2...bile ingt n fikir balek mase dulu2 rase sekejap..tapi mase nak go trough semua2 tue rase lamee jee..cube ingt balek mase sekolah rendah..tak ke rase lame tue nak habeskan drjah 6..hahaha...tu zaman2 hingusan..skang dah tade hingus da..tyme selsema sajork...

then..lepas bace tue...i took a deeepp breath.trying to absorb the strength from each part of me..astu aku pon g borak2 ngan intan n wanie( ma housemates) n study sket2 untuk tuition

skang da kol 2pg..ngantok ok...gonna sleep now...nyteeeeee

have a good day..

Monday, 1 December 2008

yes,i am alive..

just not feeling so fantastic...hee...lame gile tak update..meh2 sini nak update..skang dah kat egypt..cuty summer dah lameee abess...2 buln yang lalu..haha...aku nie bt blog..tapi tak maw update..apo ntah.menyepahkan blogspot ni sajork..kot ye mls pun tak yah arh sampai 3 bulan sekali..haks.xpe..aku update pun takde yang bace pon kooottt..hee.
penyakit kalau start sem baru dlah mule dtg trooos tandakan X dekat planner hari nak balek next year..hahahadah skang dah 2 bulan lbih dtg sini..bilang hari nak balek rase lame..bilang hari yang dah lepas rase sekejap la plak..dah nak xm midsem dah pun..hak2..

..3rd year adalah cm hapeee nak pengsan .hari2 lecture abes at 3 or 4p.m...astu mlm 4 kali seminggu ade xtra lecture plak.n 4 ur information...maghrib adalah pukol kire cm balek tu ade setangah jam je agy nak maghrib...wut a hectic life...xpelah ..i bt ape yang termampu je...nnty tak menyesal di kemudian hari*MATANG..haks2..usaha x doa n tawakkal tak jadi jugak need ur doa..mintak2 dpt MUMTAZ this year *mumtaz=excellent...ameeeeeeeeeeeenn..n wut ever it takes pun aku akan bt ...Allah da bg ape yang aku ll play ma role sebaek mungkin..*SGT MATANG OCCAAY

a lotsss of things happened 2 3 bulan nie..tapi tak larat la plak nak cite semua kan...hee...everything went well..ade mslh siket2 tu biase la kan...

ary nie pun cm hari2 biase..cume i need to work a lil bit harder this week..sbb mext week nak g dubai rumah auntie ira..of course dgn ira la kan..EIDDD s coming...kiteorng raya kat sane...hee...its gonna be fun i guess..mesty...hee..

