Sunday, 8 May 2011


Do you believe everyone you know will hurt you eventually?
i couldn't agree more.

mungkin kau tak rase sekarang.
but when it comes to you, you will be like
"eyh seriously,die betul2 ke tipu2 ckp mcm tue?

and they keep hurting you over, over and over again
yet you always be extremely forgiving

sampai sometimes,tak tahu dari mane dtg kesabaran and kekuatan

well i guess close and love ones can hurt you more than strangers do.

contoh kalau makcik kat kedai sayur marah you sebab you jatuhkan bakul tomato dia
kalau kakak you marah sbb you rosakkan lipstik die.
mane lagi sedih?
kalau kena marah dgn makcik sayur..pastu balek rumah dan bergembira dgn orang yang disayangi ..
TADDAA..hilang sedih.
simply because they are strangers!!!

and believe me things that hurt your mom or your dad, hurt you more,kan?

tapi umi selalu pesan,
"kalau orang buat jahat kat kite, ingatlah balik setiap kebaikan yang die pernah buat'

dear umi,ayah,
i promise,i ll be your strength.

dear fatin and d.wan,
take care,
jangan kite jadi bahan untuk orang fitnah umi and ayah.

and dear people,
katalah ape saje
pandang lah dengan apa pandangan sekali pun.
because it can only make us stronger

p/s-rase nak ajak umi ngan ayah dtg dok sini or tempat fatin or mane2 lah..
biar jauh dari mereka.
tapi umi jawab"tapi ni tanah air umi"..heeeehee

and yes setiap berlaku insyaAllah ade hikmah disebaliknya.



you are my mom,my doctor ,my nurse ,
my teacher,my friend
my chauffeur, my cook, my counselor, my motivator,
my hair dresser,my fashion advisor,
my inspiration, my strength

you are my everything !!

i love you juta juta juta juta juta juta juta juta juta..

man came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked:

"O Messenger of Allah! to whom should I show kindness? He replied: Your mother, next your mother, next your mother, and then comes your father..." (Sunan Abu Daud)

And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination." (Luqman 31:14)