Thursday, 8 July 2010

diagnose me!

sape yang ckp i dah habes exam tu ha??..ckp siket sape??..haa..sape??
i tak boleh orang ckp bukan2 neyh..
padahal takde orng ckp pon.

belum2..exam belum habes..yang habes baru paper writting.
ade lagi oral yang sedang menunggu lagi 2 hari..boleh la lepak2 jugak.hee..
kalau exam tak cukup sebulan tu bukan mansoura university namenye
tapi nie pun okay la
kalau ikut jadual sebenar..mau dekat dua bulan exam..
jadual baru nie penat sebab antara paper siket.
kalau ikut yang lame2 penat sebab exam lame..
paper2 last emosi dah tak stable habes
i prefer yang sekejap kot..kan2?..ntah ..mane2 lah

tau tak aku ade satu penyakit..

kalau time exam..subhanallah..gatal nye tangan nie nak buat entry
rase mcm ade seribu benda nak tulis.
ade sejuta benda nak share
tapi tahan jugak
pastu rase ade banyaaak benda nak bace kat internet..
sekejap2 rase nak cari resepi itu lah..ini lah..
nak tgk gmbr2 studio tu ini lah..
tapi jgn risau i tak tergoda ngan facebook!
tapiii...dgn world cup tergodaaaaa!!!

dah habes exam nie
hammmbeeek..tak de pulak nak menulis ke ape...
nie pun tulis selepas 2 hari lepak tak tahu nak buat ape..huhu
kemas rumah...pastu makan...
pastu layan cerita hagemaru je..kadang2 maen game..
dan semua activity itu haruslah sambil meniarap..
takde nya nak dok kat meja study tgk cite hagemaru.
sloth betol...tahu tak ape tu sloth??
sloth tu sejenis mammal..sloth tido around 15-18 hours per day..
urinate and defecate pun once per week..bapak la pemalass..
so orng yang malas bergerak sesuai la dipanggil slotthhh..
eyh2..tapi i tak tido smpi 15 tak sesuai sgt la kn??

hurmm...worldcup pun sudah tidak berminat lagi
sebab german dah kalahhh :(

symptom seterusnya.kalau exam bapak la aii..senang sgt nak mengantuk
kadang2 malam.. pukol 1 lebeyh..bace ngan mata separuh terbukak..paksa neyh
pastu bangun bapak la liat..dlm hati kate lepas exam aku naaak tido banyak2..
takde maknaanyaaa.lepas exam...boleh pulak aku tido lmbt bangun awl..
mata bersinar2 plak tu..

aish tu la..syaitan suke sgt kacau mase kite buat benda2 baek kan...
tapi jgn asek nak salahkan syaitan ..diri sendiri tu pon bersalah kalau tak dpt lawan.

ok..i dah bagi symtoms2 nyee..
diagnose me!

*mcm nie lah manusia kan..selalu tak puas hati dgn ape yang ade...
mase bz merungut bz..mase free merungut bosan...

and then i pray..
YA ALLAH ..jauhkan kami dari menjadi hamba MU yang tak bersyukur..
seriously i don't want to be the one

kalau rase aku mcm tu..tegurlah.

may u have a blessed day,
nadiah wahab

Monday, 28 June 2010


i am taking a deep breath
to keep me holding on

nadiah wahab

Saturday, 8 May 2010


i always ,always and always intended to write here...
like hundreds things came across my mind ..
tapi tak boleh cause no matter how free i am..
still tak boleh nak ddk dpn laptop and tulis entry smpi habes and publish..
drafts ade banyak gile..tapi tak habes tulis..
hee..u know me well i guess...

what did i do all this while? last entry in december and now it is already may 2010..
okayla2.baeklah2..bukan december..november..
tapi 29th november can be considered as december la tu kan??..don't be so hard on me....hee..

lecture 4th year dah habes ..YEAY2!!!!...
and final exam is coming..DAAA~~~!!..huhuhu
clinical year sgt best...this year dah start clinical round..

1st round ENT-which is i like the most,i guess...
2nd round COMMUNIY comment..
3rd round OPHTHAL-GREAT!! and saye rase department nie more systematic than others
4th round FORENSIC AND TOXIC-interesting!!saye SUKE!! feel2 CSI..hahaha..
baeklah sile faham tuan2 dan puan2 ..
CSI adalah hafal script dan make up cantek2..effect rambut terbang2..
then sejam dah bleh selesaikan case.
and i need to hafal BOOKSS!!!and notes..and terpuruk panas and selekeh di rumah..
hahahha...jadi no no no no..TAK SAME!!

rase mcm tipu siket2 kan..?.. HOW FAST TIME FLIES...
BEST!!..i am enjoying each and every moment..
bukan memang mase sekolah dulu2 kite memang dok tunggu saat2 umur mcm nie ke?..
ke aku je?
saat2 umur yang boleh ckp psl kawen..huhu.okay fullstop.

tapi bile dah semakin besar nie..
eyh2 besar as in MATANG OKAY!!..we treat and digest thing differently ...kan??
ke aku je yang rase?
like i tend to appreciate people i am more resist to everything especially WORDS!!..
like i am dare to i am more brave to move on..

and i love my changes...because life is always full of surprises..
u love surprises, don't you? least i do..but WE LIE..we love surprises that we want...and the one that we don't want we call it UNFORTUNATE..we call it PROBLEM..
yeah i know thing doesn't always seems so right kan?..
..but we are wrong people...yes WE WRONG!!...
there is NO WAY thing that had happened was wrong...
because Allah knows what is the BEST for it all over again..THE BEST.
yes not only the thing that is RIGHT yet, THE BEST BEAUTIFUL is that...
and being RIGHT and the BEST is totally different ..kan?
so then, how dare we dispute His works ..
please,just don't dear...
Semoga Allah xbiar kitw buat keputusan sendirian without HIm..
even for a second of our life..takut sgt kan..
can u imagine how horrible things can be

Rase mcm how I went through my fourth year adalah way tooooooo far dari first year dulu..
and I mean in a good way..
bnyak yang lain.maybe jadi more familiar ngan egypt and egyptian.
eyh but still! I can't stand hon yang panjang dan echo tu okay..
maybe jugak sbb system kat university pun dah jadi more systematic.sbb I have friends yang sgt sabar layan I..and I have PUTERIs..
OWh! or maybe sbb ade restaurant indon yang best.
nak feel2 dok jogja ke bandung ke bisa2.haha..
this is the art of your life can turn upside down from just being a plain hard black seed today then become a lovely beauteous blooming flower on the next day .
kalau u always expect a perfect life I guess u don't live in LIFE for real..
but u live in DREAM..wake up!

Still with love,