its 1st muharram..salam maal hijrah everybody,,,
1430 hijrah- wish u to have a better year...
year in..year out...lots of BIG things happened which sweeten my life ..
and SMALL creamy thyng which complete the my life can be sweet and creamy just like the CHOCoLATE CAKE...
and no matter how hard it is for me to mix the ingredients all together..i believe in the wud STILL have the taste of choc
while we are infatuated with keeping on walking trough the path...choosing the right way..
ever stop and take a break to look back?...
I DID..and wut left is just the memory...and the memory is haunting.i know...i know it pretty does it feel missing the past........
but HELLO PEOPLE... I don't look back unless to be thankful..bear that,..thankful for all wut ALLAh gives me...either thyngs that
i wish for or thyngs that i dont...coz i believe ALLAH knows the best for me...for you..and for everyone in everythimng...
sometymes I don't understand from day to day how so many things can fall apart and then get put back together.....bigger and better....
and i dont think I have to understand that...its just the matter of how u pick the good part of everythyng...
and it took me 20 years to be ME today...
SYUKUR ala ALLAH...for everything..HE the one who destine everything..
remember that...don't ever forget it..and don't let me forget it either..
hee...words from me to start a better life to be a better muslim ..a better daughter..a better sister...a better friend..a better society member..a better SOMEONE fi dunia n akhrat..
p/s:doakan ketabahan n kesejahteraan palestine..they need our prayer...
11 years ago